Our forex training course includes 1-2-1 private mentoring plus two simple fully formed systems that can be used to trade any market over any time frame
If you are serious about your trading ambitions and want:
Then we really can help YOU !
The secret to trading success
If you want to learn to trade we will teach you only simple time tested techniques that can be proven to have worked in the markets for decades. These same techniques are being used today to generate consistent profits for home based traders around the world and are the methods we use to make thousands of Dollars in a day (and remember we provide proof !).
They are simple and they work!
There is no real secret to being successful in trading. It comes down to acquiring a full and complete trading education so that you understand the various steps traders have to take to make money in the markets coupled with the use of good quality historically proven trading systems. We will provide you with both of these critical components.
We put all of the individual pieces together for you so you will finally have the full trading picture, in its entirety, probably for the first time ever and then teach you to use two very simple generic systems that can be used to trade almost any market over any time frame from 5 minute charts up to weekly and monthly charts.
The methods are not complex to understand and do not use multiple indicators. Learn to trade safely and successfully and eliminate the confusion and stress by focusing on just a few clear cut simple and straight forward techniques.
You do not have to spend hours glued to the trading screens as all of our strategies are “set and forget” systems.
If you are new to trading and have no previous experience then we will send you out a special starter pack including 3 hours of custom produced DVD video to bring you up to speed on the basics before attending the private 1-2-1 forex training course.
If you are new to trading or have previous experience but are currently not yet consistently profitable then this is the course for you
Private mentoring - you dictate the pace
Good systems are undoubtedly a vital component to trading success but being provided with, and understanding, the full trading picture is every bit as important.
This course is built around private 1-2-1 training between just you and your mentor. You dictate the pace, can vary the content and stop the class and ask questions whenever you desire. Training is customised to take account of your current level of experience and your individual personal requirements. You will leave fully understanding the material because you will be controlling the pace of tuition.
The course includes the 1-2-1 training, manuals, trading systems, video instruction and additional resources material which all combine together to give you a complete and fully rounded understanding of all aspects of the trading process.
But we won’t just leave you on your own after the trading course. You have full ongoing telephone, Skype and email mentoring support. Simply pick up the phone or fire off an email and get straight through direct to your mentor to discuss your trading results or clarify any particular matters that arise.
I was absolutely thrilled with the content of the forex training London based course and to be honest it has surpassed my expectations …..you did not disappoint me on any levels ….as you know I had done another course which was not a patch on yours absolutely unequivocally not a patch
Place trades the very next day with both confidence and understanding
Because we are not using or indeed confusing you with lots of "magic" indicators and "confirming set ups " etc you will leave the 1-2-1 fully understanding the methods taught and be able to confidently place trades the very next morning.
All of the systems are complete and fully formed so you will know exactly where to enter the market,where to exit the market, where to place the stop loss and where to place a profit target or when to use a trailing stop.
We also include 3 additional time proven formula based mechanical trading systems /signal generators which each have precisely defined entry and exit points so everybody trading them will get exactly the same signals. They all require you to check your charts for less than 5 minutes each day and do not require the trader to make any individual trade judgements.
With such a wide choice of systems and methods you will always be able to trade the markets in exactly the manner you wish and at the times that suit you.

With a full understanding of the trading business and the systems supplied you can now become a home based professional trader
Just some of the other important areas covered on this course:
- FX Market basics
- Which brokers and platforms and software to use
- How much starting capital to use
- How much to bet on each trade
- How much money you can expect to make
- When and by how much to increase your bet size
- Specific strategies to grow your account super fast
- The mistakes that losing traders always make
- What successful traders are doing that is different
- Sample trading records and trading plans
- Recognising and overcoming psychological biases
- How to analyse and understand any chart in 5 minutes flat
This is certainly NOT the most exciting or expensive trading site that you have ever come across !
It is however one of the most honest trading sites that you will ever visit and for those that genuinely want to learn to trade we provide more real value and true meaningful education in our trader training courses and systems than all but a handful of sites worldwide. If you genuinely want to learn to trade then you will find that time spent investigating our courses and products will be richly rewarded.
I found your tutorial a real eye opener and 100 times as useful as the courses I have been on , including the one week xxxxxxxx course”
Your honesty came through as absolutely wanting to improve ones chances of becoming a successful retail trader and imparting your hard earned wisdom and experience on fresh ears with something you so clearly have a passion for
Hi Nigel, just to let you know I am doing great so far – not quite a millionaire yet ! but I am making small positive trades and building a steady income of around $500 daily with four or five small trades using the PDM method
Great course and excellent presentation on the day . I am very happy with the progress I have been making over the last year or so and am certain much of that success can be attributed to your excellent teaching and after course support....how much is the auto course now ?
Don't turn this opportunity away !
FINALLY you have landed on a page that really can help you achieve your trading goals and ambitions and it costs nothing to find out more
Or speak direct to your mentor and real life trader now on 020 8948 4766
Such a complete course and superb support. You have always been there for me answering my questions and reassuring my doubts.... I really feel that I have broken through now and so much of that success is due to your help
Thanks mate great stuff ... very pleased I came .......it's much clearer now and I know which way I am going in
Since the course last week I am on 6 wins and 1 loss for live trades
I have found the materials and your whole approach down-to-earth, honest, thorough, appropriate and encouraging. I've felt in safe and realistic hands and that was exactly what I was looking for.
Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed meeting you and the 1-2-1 session. The quality and content of the manual and DVD's is far better than most that I have seen (& purchased !) I am convinced that as a result of you sharing your knowledge I am FINALLY going to achieve my aim of trading as a business - thank you. My only regret is that having originally contacted you 2 years ago I waited and thought about it. In that time I am sure that I have lost serious money and the cost of the course also increased ! ....still great value for money.